Banca Dati della Ricerca


ENERWATER - Standard method and online tool for assessing and improving the energy efficiency of wastewater treatment plants

Dettagli Progetto di Ricerca
Centro: Dipartimento di Scienze e Ingegneria della Materia, dell'Ambiente ed Urbanistica - SIMAU
Area scientifico disciplinare: ING-IND/25 -
Anno: 2015
Data di fine ricerca: 28/02/2018
Durata: 36 Mesi
Descrizione e Settori di Applicazione: -
The main objective of ENERWATER is to develop, validate and disseminate an innovative standard methodology for continuously assessing, labelling and improving the overall energy performance of WWTPs. For that purpose a collaboration framework in the waste water treatment sector including research groups, SMEs, utilities, city councils, authorities and industry will be set up. ENERWATER will devote important efforts to ensure that the method is widely adopted. Subsequent objectives are to impulse dialogue towards the creation of a specific European legislation following the example of recently approved EU directives, to achieve EU energy reductions objectives for 2020, ensuring effluent water quality, environmental protection and compliance with the WFD. These actions should bring European Water Industry a competitive advantage in new products development and a faster access to markets by facilitating evidence of reduction therefore fostering adoption on new technologies.
Attività scientifica: applicata
Attività operative: -
Committenti del Progetto:
Partners del Progetto:
Collaborazioni con le imprese: -
Possibili settori economici di interesse:
    Possibili settori tecnologici:
      Ente Finanziatore: Commissione Europea

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