Banca Dati della Ricerca


Towards a behavioural design approach for seismic risk reduction strategies of buildings and their environment

Dettagli Progetto di Ricerca
Centro: Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile, Edile e Architettura
Area scientifico disciplinare: ICAR/10 -
Anno: 2016
Durata: 12 Mesi
Descrizione e Settori di Applicazione: Understanding how people behave in earthquake conditions is an essential issue in order to properly evaluate the urban risk assessment, efficiently organize evacuation procedures and plan risk mitigation interventions. Hence, this research will try to provide a first contribution on human behaviour in earthquake so far as urban scenario safety is concerned. This way a first behavioural design approach for seismic risk reduction strategies of buildings and their environment will be reach.
Human behaviours in earthquake Earthquake risk assessment Buildings and urban scenarios safety Earthquake evacuation Behavioural design
Attività scientifica: base
Attività operative: prove sperimentali
Committenti del Progetto:
Partners del Progetto:
Collaborazioni con le imprese: -
Possibili settori economici di interesse:
    Possibili settori tecnologici:
      Ente Finanziatore: Università Politecnica delle Marche

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