Banca Dati della Ricerca


The use of the fitting time histories method to detect the nonlinear behaviour of different materials

Dettagli Progetto di Ricerca
Centro: Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile, Edile e Architettura
Area scientifico disciplinare: ICAR/08 -
Anno: 2018
Durata: 12 Mesi
Descrizione e Settori di Applicazione: The experimental free vibrations of beams made of different materials (steel, timber, etc.) are investigated with the aim of extracting the nonlinear characteristics of the dynamical behaviour, by an appropriate post-processing of data ensuing from the tests. An updated version of the Fitting Time History technique is used. It is based on the least square approximation of the measured damped free vibrations, and provides the optimal values of the natural frequencies and damping coefficients.
Experimental vibrations Nonlinear behaviour Fitting Time History method Natural frequencies Damping factors
Attività scientifica: base
Attività operative: prove sperimentali
Committenti del Progetto:
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Possibili settori economici di interesse:
    Possibili settori tecnologici:
      Ente Finanziatore: Università Politecnica delle Marche

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