Banca Dati della Ricerca


On modeling multiphysics interfaces

Dettagli Progetto di Ricerca
Centro: Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile, Edile e Architettura
Area scientifico disciplinare: ICAR/08 -
Anno: 2019
Durata: 36 Mesi
Sito Web:
Descrizione e Settori di Applicazione: The research is focused on the study of the mechanical behavior of a composite constituted by two solids, perfectly bonded together by a thin adhesive layer in a general multiphysics and multifield framework, by means of the asymptotic expansion method. Three different limit models and their associated limit problems are characterised, namely, the soft, hard and rigid interface models. The asymptotic expansion method is reviewed by taking into account the effect of higher order terms.
Interface models Asymptotic analysis Multiphysics materials Composites Thin layers
Attività scientifica: base
Attività operative: prove sperimentali
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Settore Tecnologico:
Ente Finanziatore: Università Politecnica delle Marche

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