Banca Dati della Ricerca


Use of Fine Aggregate Matrix to Analyze the Rheological Behavior of Cold Recycled Materials

Dettagli Progetto di Ricerca
Centro: Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile, Edile e Architettura
Area scientifico disciplinare: ICAR/04 -
Anno: 2020
Durata: 36 Mesi
Sito Web:
Descrizione e Settori di Applicazione: In this study, we analyze the rheological behavior of CRM mixtures produced using bitumen emulsion and cement through the study of their fine aggregate matrix (FAM). Starting from a fixed CRM mixture composition, we compare different FAM mortars, focusing on the effect of water and air content. Then, we select a composition as representative of the FAM in the mixture and investigate the evolution of both materials during a fixed curing period.
Cold Recycled Materials Fine Aggregate Matrix Mortar Curing Thermo-Rheological Modeling
Attività scientifica: base
Attività operative: prove sperimentali
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Ente Finanziatore: Università Politecnica delle Marche

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